Got a new Bicycle

Posted: 13th March 2012 by Jab in Biking, Casual, Weight Loss

Got a new bicycle today – I will be using this to get myself into shape — it has been like 18 years since I rode a bike and can’t wait to start riding again.

Workout will begin tomorrow so here are my stats to start the week off.

Current weight is 263lbs.

Another week gone by

Posted: 12th March 2012 by Jab in Casual

It’s another week gone by and this month is almost already over. Not only this month but 1/4 of this year. It seems the older you get the faster time seems to just pass by.

Posting from mobile

Posted: 10th March 2012 by Jab in Casual

So finally installed the app for my phone, so now maybe I can post more, we will see

New site Im working on

Posted: 5th March 2012 by Jab in Web Design

So Im designing this new site for a gallery here in Park City – When Im done with it, it should look 10x better then when I started.

Here is the finished Project Let me know what you think

Montgomery Lee Fine Art

PC vs Mac

Posted: 29th February 2012 by Jab in Casual

Turkey Rub

Posted: 15th November 2011 by Jab in Recipes

Ingredients you will need depending on the size of your Turkey you can use a teaspoon of each or a tablespoon.

Black Pepper
* Dried Rosemary
* Dried Thyme
Dried Sage
Garlic Power
* Salt
* Indicates 2 of your choice of teaspoon or tablespoon.

Throw it all in a bowl, mix it up and rub on your Turkey. Be sure to get the inside too.

$300 for Applesauce?

Posted: 23rd July 2011 by Jab in Auto Correct Fail
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Not exactly whats on the bag

Posted: 20th July 2011 by Jab in Casual
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So how can this company get away with this kind of marketing. The picture on the bag shows a really tasteful burrito … Yet when you cook it, it turns out looking like something you would think twice about feeding your dog.

Politics ruined Pac-Man

Posted: 19th July 2011 by Jab in Casual
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Discussion … Go

Every day stupid things happen

Posted: 18th July 2011 by Jab in Just Plain Dumb
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