
Posted: 15th March 2000 by Jab in Poetry

Dew resting upon the tips of the grass;

buds spouting on the branches of trees.

Children playing and flowers blooming;

and the sounds of birds whistling.

Cartwheels in the grass,

And walks in the park;

The weather is beautiful for all.

The gentle showers:

To bring the flowers;

With such beauty and caress.

Open the doors let the air in;

with smells of such delight.

For springtime is the best time,

for moonlight walks at night.

The time of joy is coming,

Around the corner, just inches away.

Long from the time of bitter cold,

Springtime is on its way.


– Springtime


Posted: 17th February 2000 by Jab in Poetry

Beauty and grace, a warm embrace

Loves written all over your face

Up for the chase

But just in case

I don’t want to seem out of place.


– Untitled

Wishing Well

Posted: 15th February 2000 by Jab in Poetry

Wishing well ‘o Wishing well,

Where do I stand?

Wishing no more,

Can you lend a hand?


Wishing well I ask,

What lies for me ahead?

For these emotions are running,

Wild in my head.


Wishing well I say

Bring me a brighter day.

Not asking for much,

Just a push along the way.


Wishing well can you hear me?

I ask for your voice.

Help me decide,

And make a choice.


Wishing well I try,

To keep everything inside.

Although that does not help,

These feelings I hide.


Wishing well ‘o Wishing well,

I ask one more time.

Do I keep asking question?

Can you clear my mind?


Wishing well I ask

Strongly for your guidance.

The future and destiny,

Is something I cannot silence.


Wishing well you say,

Although not quite clear.

The answers to my questions,

Are all just right here.


Wishing well ‘o Wishing well

Will you answer my call

For you wishing well,

Is whom I tell all.


– Wishing Well

Take me

Posted: 12th February 2000 by Jab in Poetry

Sometimes I just want to die …

Take me Lord, for I am yours.

A lost soul beat many times over

by love.


Take me Lord, for all the wrong reasons.

I have tried so hard to accomplish,

yet seem to fail every time.


Take me Lord, and set me free,

of this anguish inside my soul,

this heartache; torment.


Take me Lord, for I have done no wrong.

Only to shower my love, my emotions,

Opened my heart and soul.


Take me Lord, I ask you why?

Why must I be?

Alone; so cold.


Take me Lord, I ask you?

Show me a life without pain or misery.

Where happiness does exist.


– Take me