One Reason

Posted: 16th September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

I see you smile, once not so bright

Though time has passed; strong we unite

There has not been a time, I looked into your eyes

And never seen us, not together

The frustration is here, and times are rough

Though I think of you; silently

I cannot imagine what feelings I would have

If I thought otherwise

I see you; what is on your mind?

I just want to hold you close

I want to touch your hand

I can still feel; that feeling the embrace of our lips

For the first time

Give me a reason not to love you

The way that I do

I cannot find one!


– One Reason

Precious Moments

Posted: 16th September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

Darkness falls across the land.

leaving me standing, holding out my hand.

Wishing and praying, to the one up above

Am I the one, whom she’s in love?


I ask myself many times at night

When I goto bed, when I hold you tight

When I kiss your neck, ears and hair

Am I a question of loves dispair?


I wish the world for you and I

To walk the sands of a moon-lit sky

Holding tight to the hand I embrace

Precious Moments we share with grace


Along a shore, as I drift to dream

Just you and I , a silouette scene

without a nedge, or care or wilt

Tenderness, care and love is felt


I tence knowing for you question why

Am I your sorrow, a burdon cry?

I ask myself this question too

Do you love me so, and is it true?


My heart goes out to the one I love

Like a pigeon waiting for that one special dove

I give you my all, all I can give

I will keep giving, as long as I live


– Precious Moments

So Like You

Posted: 15th September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

I see you smile, so affectionate.

I see your eyes, so beautiful.

I touch your face, so soft.

I hear you speak, so wise.

I listen to your words, so reassuring.

I see your hands, so like mine.

I see your tears, so anguished.

I touch your heart, so incomplete.

I see your pain, so confused.

I feel your love, so am I wrong?


– So Like You


Posted: 14th September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

Through the night,

a peaceful scene.

Tossing and turning

Is this a dream?


I see your face,

a smile so bright.

A smile to me,

is my delight.


I will not stop,

I will not rest.

To make you happy,

will be my quest.


This rocky road,

I will not fear.

The result,

to love and hold you near.


Is well worth,

the trip I would take.

For the outcome,

and consequences to make.


– Outcome


Posted: 11th September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

I catch a glimpse of your affectionate smile,

softly towards my direction.

I can see your lips, your sensuous way, behind them a look of guilt,

overcome by feelings, overwhelming with unlimited circumstances.

An embrace at the end of the night,

made my heart filled with joy.

With unexplained feelings rushing through a head of a pin

trying to bypass the heartache and emotional stress

with the overwhelming belief of the existence of love.

Seeing and believing the truth is here, right before my eyes

knowing that in all reality, you and I cannot be.

Not one mountain is too high, nor river to wide,

to express my feelings, I cannot hide.

Whatever it takes, whatever the rules,

whatever the outcome, and whatever the blues.

I cannot let my chance again, pass me by,

right before my very eyes.

Life takes a toll of good and bad, most of what we can control,

Things happen for a reason.

You are more than heaven sent,

An Angel in disguise.

Although you may not agree,

this is something you cannot deny.

Understanding your place,

your heart belongs to someone else

how can this be:

I have seen your smile and your beautiful eyes,

this cannot be true, not for me!

I must deal with all this pain and grief,

accepting reality,

hoping and praying, for that day to come,

that maybe you and I

will become one.


– Reality

Not Mine

Posted: 3rd September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

I may not fully understand why!

I may not fully understand how!

But when I see you smile,

When he holds you tight.

I then understand; now!


– Not Mine

Now and Forever

Posted: 2nd September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

Never in my life have I ever thought I would ever feel this way

about a single person.

These feelings I have come down within.

I have to fight with these feelings at times, for these feelings I have I cannot explain.

On one side –

I have deep emotional feelings of love, caring and trust

Feelings of joy, happiness and of temptation.

I have feelings I have never had before.

Nobody has make me feel the way you make me feel

My feelings are inexpressible; I cannot begin to touch the depth

If you could imagine heaven … so peaceful, so quiet with fields of

flowers … each one expressing the happiness you bring to my life

A river extended to the eyes content, is my love for you that flows all so patiently

and calmly

Although these expressions are like a single grain of sand

Imagine what a handful of that sand can say about my love … about my feelings

About the amount of happiness you bring to my life.


The other side is dark –

At first you expressed your love for me then took it away

How are you to feel when something so special is taken from you?

It is like a dark tunnel that extends to far to see

The sides are hands reaching out trying to grab you

To stop you … to toss you back and forth

Their hands are scolding hot as sharp as razors

As you run down this tunnel trying to keep away from the sides

All you can think about is how your life could have been

If only a chance was given … if only that love was true

If only you could have done something better

You keep running but there is no end

Eventually you will get tired

And then you will die.


Although both sided keep fighting with each other … how do I choose?

There is no question, which I would choose

It feels I have been pushed in the opposite direction

I hope someday we can realize what went wrong … what could have changed?

For it may be too late, when you are ready and I am not.

I don’t want it to come to that

However I feel that is what it is coming to … do I say farewell?

You will always have a special place in my heart

Now … and forever!


– Now and Forever

Now I can Rest

Posted: 1st September 2001 by Jab in Poetry

I stay up late

And watch you come in,

To make sure you got home safe.

All night I sit and think,

All alone.

Wondering … waiting.

I think of you while you

Are gone.

Praying you come back safe.

For I am lost …

without you.

This house is empty …

Without you.

Then I hear footsteps.

Could that be you?

You are home safe.

Now I can rest.


– Now I can Rest

Live goes on

Posted: 15th August 2001 by Jab in Poetry

My life goes on, or so I am told

But how can it, without you to hold.


– Life goes on


Posted: 20th June 2000 by Jab in Casual

Still working on getting all the content transfered over