Archive for the ‘Casual’ Category

Nothing wrong here – Move along!

Posted: 6th May 2014 by Jab in Casual

How to save a SnapChat image or video

Posted: 2nd June 2013 by Jab in Casual, Useless Info

So you have this cool app called SnapChat – and you get clips all day long of cute pictures and funny videos – and within seconds its gone. Never to be found again. Or is it?  With a little digging and a some hacking – I believe to have found a clue on Android at […]

Removing Activation

Posted: 21st April 2013 by Jab in Casual

Microsoft has released an update to Windows 7 Activation Technologies (KB971033), which improves its effectiveness and success rate to detect more than 70 known and potentially dangerous activation bypasses, cracks or exploits. For Windows 7 users who are using counterfeit or pirated copies of Windows 7 on the machine, the KB971033 can potentially causing havoc to the computer […]

Pastebin setup

Posted: 14th March 2013 by Jab in Casual

So I been playin around – Set up the new Web Server finally .. think its gonna stay up this time .. lol So far have a friends site up there –  I also installed a pastebin application php-pastebin located at fell free to use it  

Install New Server

Posted: 18th February 2013 by Jab in Casual

Setting up a new server with Apache, Mysql, PHP and some goodies Install MySQL, phpMyAdmin, rkhunter, binutils apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server openssl getmail4 rkhunter binutils New password for the MySQL “root” user: <– yourrootsqlpassword Repeat password for the MySQL “root” user: <– yourrootsqlpassword We want MySQL to listen on all interfaces, not just localhost, therefore […]

DO NOT wash your hair in the shower!!

Posted: 1st May 2012 by Jab in Casual

Do not wash your hair in the shower!! It’s so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!!! IT INVOLVES THE SHAMPOO WHEN IT RUNS DOWN YOUR BODY WHEN YOU SHOWER WITH IT. WARNING TO US ALL!!! Shampoo Warning! I don’t know WHY I didn’t figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in […]

Got a new Bicycle

Posted: 13th March 2012 by Jab in Biking, Casual, Weight Loss

Got a new bicycle today – I will be using this to get myself into shape — it has been like 18 years since I rode a bike and can’t wait to start riding again. Workout will begin tomorrow so here are my stats to start the week off. Current weight is 263lbs.

Another week gone by

Posted: 12th March 2012 by Jab in Casual

It’s another week gone by and this month is almost already over. Not only this month but 1/4 of this year. It seems the older you get the faster time seems to just pass by.

Posting from mobile

Posted: 10th March 2012 by Jab in Casual

So finally installed the app for my phone, so now maybe I can post more, we will see

PC vs Mac

Posted: 29th February 2012 by Jab in Casual